
1) update WOOFERTEN situation
- 31/12 move out deadline passed
  • adc have no reply n didnt reverse the right to sue us in future
  • we guess no further action till new year with more discussion with them
  • more public concern + discussion is gd for protecting us fm being sued

i) further actions:
> invite fds to write story on why we should support wooferten
> talk series
> 活化廳故事展 the wooferten neighborhood story exhibition (to be discussed)
> video by tak chong lane? collection of wooferten act.

ii) adc staff would come to wooferten:
.10/1(五)7:00 p.m
.video recording
.minus at the same time

2) 活化墟 woofer hui evaluation:
  • invite more kai fong fds to join
  • can have more style,eg music, food, drawing, cockcoch..etc
  • more promotion to the community encourage them to hv a stall
  • poster with 尼泊爾 ﹠urdu language
date: 年初二﹠三(1/2,2/2)
time: 4:00 - 8:00 p.m

3) 派揮春 pai fai chun
dates: 19/1,26/1:

4) 大年三十年宵執野:
date: 30/1

5) 初七拜年巡遊:
date: 6/2

6) 情人元宵滾滾愛心盆菜宴
date: 14/2

7)【墟報】Yamatei hui pao
> report on the storie/reflection of last woofer hui
> wht hawker should do without giving trouble to neighbors 

other idea: 
年畫、 突手做馬工作坊

* 四至日,2-8:00